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Upping the ante

So in response to recent feedback, we've approached both RAC DC & AASA to see what may be involved to expand the current setup to include their short race circuit, or part thereof.

Ideally, this would see ApocaLaps add another much desired element to our race schedule, and in turn allow competitors to stretch the long legs on their weapons of choice.

Sure to set the cat amongst the pigeons too, as a lot of tough street cars are generally geared a little lower for that acceleration hit, and may level the playing field somewhat.

Not to mention offer the serious competitors a real opportunity to tune their current rides, and check full track capabilities.

RAC DC circuit.PNG

Whilst not set in stone yet, I am sure both AASA & RAC DC will have a few hurdles for us to jump through before we can qualify, but watch this space, because it's a future that will hopefully become a reality sooner than later.

Stay safe ... and may the course be with you!


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